Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hey Look! Baseball (kinda) started!

For those of you with the soul of a kid waking up early on christmas, you were obviously up early to see the Mariners and the Athletics duke it out in the Tokyo Dome.

I, however, spent a little too much time watching The Wire and fell sleep just as the game was starting.


I was able to stave off sleepy time just long enough to the the first pitch. The first pitch kicking off that thing we all love. What is it? Well, it's many things to many people.

It's the chance to begin anew.
It's what bonds a father with his son.
It's how we spend our summer nights and days.
It's looking up to see the ball fly high.
It's hearing the sound of a fireball smacking a catcher's mitt.
It's hearing that loudest of calls, the almighty "STEEEEEERRRIKE!"
It's watching a ball bend reality.......and our minds.
It's watching one man launch a ball into the upper atmosphere.

And while we all have different ways to recognize this grand game, one thing holds true for everyone.

It's the love of the game.

So get out there, toss the ball around. Hit some homers and turn some double plays.

It may not mean much to everyone yet, but Opening Day is just around the corner.
For when this crazy game starts, it's gonna start slow. But it will build speed, momentum, and fire.
It'll cruise at the start, then crescendo into what has the potential to be an eventful postseason.

Tigers open next week. I'm already psyched beyond comprehension.


........nice kimonos........

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